Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Refiner's Fire

You might think that pine-cones are an odd relation to this quote, but they intrigue me, and I live in a forest of evergreens... do you know how conifers germinate?

Most often, a new generation of conifers will begin growing after and older generation has been consumed by fire! Pine-cones often germinate only after their outer layers have been burned away. However, at the onset of a forest fire, most people either run, or fight to put the flames out, when, in reality, the fire is the start that those seeds NEED to grow! 

Furthermore, without a fire, there may be too much in the way of light that will encourage their growth. The fire will consume everything, even the underbrush, that blocks the way of new life to grow. It is a natural cycle of growth, a consuming fire and a new, thriving generation...

So, where do YOU come into the picture???

Well, imagine that you are the pine-cone, and the trees that create a light-blocking canopy are all the people and things that tell you that you can survive, but you can not thrive in life. That underbrush, that's even thicker than the canopy of trees, that's every lie that you have listened to and reaffirmed to yourself.

Lastly, I believe the light is God... He is trying to reach down to you to show you what He has in store for you, but the only way that He can do that is through removing all that is blocking His light from enveloping you... and sometimes, He allows hard moments to pass in our lives because He knows that it is the fire that will open you to your full potential!So, when things get REALLY hot and hard... rather than asking yourself "why me", try to determine what you can gain from the fire, then search for the light, and thrive!!!

I have found that through my most difficult and trying times, I have found the most beautiful and precious tender-mercies. Don't loose faith in your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, or in your Heavenly Father!

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