Friday, November 28, 2014


 I LOVE finding new products that work great or add value to my life, and when I find something that I really like, I love sharing it with friends and family. For a few months, now, I have ben wanting to try those Younique brand 'fiber lashes' but I just couldn't justify spending the  money on make-up!
If you know me, you know that I am (what my husband calls...stingy)! I love make-up, but when I buy it, it's only a couple times a year... and I go CHEAP!!! I'm talking less than 5 bucks on mascara and the cheapest foundation I can find. The eye-shadow that I am currently using has been in my possession since a few weeks before I got married... I know because I bought it with intention to use it for my wedding day... which was over three years ago...
So, yeah, that's probably really gross... and probably why I am a little acne prone, but I have a hard time spending money on things that I feel are vain, or not really necessary to my survival...

ANYWAY... now that you know a little TMI about me... I'll move forward to the lashes...
I have been fighting with myself about ordering them for months. Mascara is my absolute favorite, and on a normal day, I usually apply about 10 coats, or so. I thought, if this stuff really works, then maybe I would end up saving money in the long run. Still, I just couldn't bring myself to BUY the darn stuff...

Then, about two weeks ago, I got lucky and WON some!!! Woot, woot!

I promised friends on Facebook that I would do an honest review of what (I) thought of the crazy stuff... so, if you are still with me and are interested, here's my review!

Let's start with a picture:
These photos haven't been enhanced in any way. The first was taken on a smart phone, and the second was with my webcam...
So.. the first photo is what my lashes usually look like with about 10 layers of $5 maybeline mascara. I switch types because, usually, by the time I need a new tube, what I was using is gone and they have a new product! 
The bottom photo was using one coat of my normal mascara, and one coat of the Younique lashes. I love them...but here are the pros and cons...

I thought it was weird that I still have to use regular mascara... to me, that's a waste of money.
It's expensive...haha... just my honest opinion. 
and... that's about it...
It uses three different products... just something new to get used to...but kind of a repeat of the first.

It's faster than applying ten coats of the regular stuff! This was a big deal to me... I m a get in-get out type when it comes to getting ready in the morning... didn't used to be, but when your husband constantly sings, "Waiting on a Woman" you learn to move like a soldier! I thought when reading about it that it would take too much time, but it's great!
It removes just like regular mascara! No extra equipment needed!
It comes in a cute carrying case... not that anyone will ever see it, but it's fun and trendy.

So... that's how I feel about it. 
Will I order some when this runs out... I'm not sure yet. I definitely love the product, but still don't know if the price can be justified. Remember, I'm that type of girl who sits in the make-up aisle looking for the best deal. However, if you order your make-up through a counter like Clinique or Ulta, or through companies like Avon, you're already used to spending a little more, and compared to anything else I have used in that price range. I'd definitely see a benefit in switching over to this stuff!

And, there you have it, folks! My non-biased review of Younique Moodstruck Fiber Lashes!

I am in no way affiliated with the Younique brand. I do not work for their company, nor am I a representative of anything Younique.

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