Friday, July 11, 2014


Do you have back pain?

I want to share something with you that I am SO EXCITED ABOUT!!!

If you have been reading my blog, you might already be aware that a week ago, I started a new routine called, PiYo... I have done workouts like Insanity and P90X before, but even though I loved the results I was getting, it seems nothing I did was helping this aching that I have had in my back for a very long time.

I have tried stretching, I have tried massage (which actually seemed to be making the problem worse)! I have switched my shoes and *tried* to work on my posture. None of it was solving the problem. Working out definitely helped, but I wanted it GONE, and I just didn't know how to accomplish that...

Whelp, a week into PiYo, and I have really been feeling a change in my core. Then, yesterday, as I was sitting at my desk working, I noticed that I had been there for over two hours with no back pain! I couldn't believe it! Usually, after about 20 minutes of sitting, I have to stand up and walk around because my back is tingling so bad that my arm starts going numb. I have also had problems with my feet where my toes always have that 'asleep' feeling in them. GONE!!! I can't believe it, but I feel great!!!

The problem I had was that the muscles causing pain were actually my Rhomboids... you can't even see them in this photo because they are under the scapula bone, which is covered by the Trapezius muscles.... They are hard to get to.

So what was going on? Well, what most people don't realize is that the Core is more than just the abdominal muscles. Your core also include a set of muscles on your sides and your back. Most people who suffer from back pain have a very weak core, and therefore, poor posture. This was my problem. It seemed that no matter what I did to work my core, I wasn't seeing results, and I KNOW MY POSTURE WAS TERRIBLE... This is also why I was struggling so much when I did try to consciously correct my posture. It wasn't that I was lazy, it was physically uncomfortable for me because my core is so weak!

So, long story short, if you are experiencing back pain, check your posture. How is it? Want to make it better and create some relief for yourself? I would LOVE to help you! I coach health and fitness challenges regularly and we could see if PiYo would be a good fit for you. Don't just accept that you have to live life in pain. Take care of yourself and learn what it feels like to live your best life!

***If you want to learn more about PiYo, feel free to message me, or watch THIS short video. Think LOW IMPACT! No weights, no jumping, no running, extremely reduced chance of injury, lengthen, tone and define your body! Sounds pretty great, eh?

Interested in joining my next health and fitness accountability group? ~~~   Want to purchase PiYo, and other great health and fitness tools? ~~~

Thanks for visiting!

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